There's "Injuns" in the Valley!
It is the spring of 1913 in March, a boy’s dream happen along Whitemans Creek. Smoke rising from what is called the “Little Field” caught the attention of two boys, Shirley and Roy Davis. Being their farm, they went to investigate. At the corner of the field was a wigwam… and as they approached the flap opened and out stepped an Indian with rabbit snares in his hand. Through the tent doorway they could see a smoldering fire surrounded by flat rocks. On top sat two black kettles. Behind, was a cedar bough bed with blankets on top. The boys brought vegetables to their visitor which he added to his rabbit stew. One day they brought a syrup pail with fresh milk. The Indian poured the milk into his smaller black pot. He put small sticks around the inside rim, threw a hide over it and left it outside to freeze. When he wanted milk he chopped out small pieces. Their visitor stayed for over two weeks trapping muskrat, snaring rabbits and fishing along the creek. One day when they cam...